Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Total Questions - 10 1. What are the basic rectangular building blocks of a spreadsheet? Cells zoom slider Help button All of these 2. What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories? Pie Chart Line Chart Column Chart Dot Graph 3. In Excel, which one denoted a range from B1 through E5 B1-E5 B1 to E5 B1:E5 B1$E5 4. What are the shortcut keys for AutoSum? ALT and = CTRL and S ALT and S CTRL and = 5. What is the keyboard shortcut key to lock cell references in a formula? F4 CTRL ALT F2 6. What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called? Column Address Value Cell 7. In which tab of the ribbon can you change Workbook Views to Page Break Preview? View Review Page Layout Data 8. What are the keyboard shortcut keys to edit formula in a cell F2 CTRL + 1 CTRL + F F4 9. Which of the following is not a term pertaining to spreadsheets? Browser Cell Character Formula 10. Which of the following Excel features allows you to select/highlight all cells that are formulas? Find Go To Special Go To Replace ပေးပို့ပါ